Lalu apakah tanggungjawab kita selaku ibubapa kepada anak – anak di sini? Untuk turut serta bersama – sama anak – anak Palestin di sana adalah mustahil. Apa yang saya lihat, menyemai serba sedikit pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang apa yang berlaku di Palestin kepada anak - anak adalah satu tanggungjawab yang wajib kita laksanakan. Jelaskan kepada mereka apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Yahudi terhadap Palestin, apa yang boleh kita lakukan untuk membantu meringankan beban mereka (sumbangan berbentuk wang ringgit, solat hajat, boikot barangan AS ..sbg contoh). Biarpun mereka tidak berkemampuan untuk memahami seperti orang dewasa, sekurang - kurangnya rasa simpati dan belas kasihan dengan iringan doa tulus, sudah boleh menjadi “sumbangan” yang hebat daripada anak – anak kita!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Anas Haikal vs Anak2 Palestin...
Lalu apakah tanggungjawab kita selaku ibubapa kepada anak – anak di sini? Untuk turut serta bersama – sama anak – anak Palestin di sana adalah mustahil. Apa yang saya lihat, menyemai serba sedikit pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang apa yang berlaku di Palestin kepada anak - anak adalah satu tanggungjawab yang wajib kita laksanakan. Jelaskan kepada mereka apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Yahudi terhadap Palestin, apa yang boleh kita lakukan untuk membantu meringankan beban mereka (sumbangan berbentuk wang ringgit, solat hajat, boikot barangan AS ..sbg contoh). Biarpun mereka tidak berkemampuan untuk memahami seperti orang dewasa, sekurang - kurangnya rasa simpati dan belas kasihan dengan iringan doa tulus, sudah boleh menjadi “sumbangan” yang hebat daripada anak – anak kita!
Posted by RusukKiri Tok Canang at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Global
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
"Bukan Salahmu Sang Pisau..."
Posted by AbdHadi at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Motivasi
Hebatnya Minda!
Posted by AbdHadi at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Umum
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Anak - Anak Amanah ALLAH...
Salam 'alaikum wrt wbrt... Bersua kali pertama di Gerbang Tok Canang.Jika sebelum ini rusukkiri sekadar peneman, penyuntik semangat dan penyumbang idea buat tokcanang, tergerak pula hari ini jari - jari untuk menaip sesuatu buat tatapan semua...
Pasti ada yang terdetik dan tersentuh tatkala menghayati nasyid dendangan anak - anak 'AEMAN 'ini...sesungguhnya anak - anak merupakan amanah ALLAH yang amat berharga dan bernilai buat ibu dan ayah.Dalam masa yang sama kurniaan anak yang soleh dan mendoakan kesejahteraan ibu bapa menjadi dambaan setiap ibu dan bapa..
Sebagai ibu bapa, sering bermain dalam minda kita mampukah kita melahirkan anak - anak sedemikain rupa dalam keadaan cabaran semasa dan kekangan waktu yang ada..bila di ulang- ulang soalan ini buat diri sendiri, sebenarnya kita semua MAMPU!! Semuanya apabila kita berpegang kepada amanat RASULULLAH S.A.W,anak - anak ibarat kain putih yang suci bersih, kitalah yang diberikan amanah untk menentukan coraknya..
Kitalah yang mencanting, kitalah yang mencorak dan kitalah juga yang mewarnai mereka dengan acuan kita.Subahanallah!!Betapa berat dan maha hebat tanggungjawab yang harus kita galas untuk melahirkan generasi rabbani buat penyambung warisan di masa akan datang..
Wahai anak - anakku...jasa dan pengorbanan ibu dan ayah tidak terhitung nilainya.Betapa kita membalas dengan seisi dunia sekalipun, masih tidak mampu untuk membayar segala perit jerih pengorbanan mereka..apa yang mampu,jadilah anak yang soleh dan mendoakan kesejahteran mereka dunia dan akhirat..sekadar renungan buat kita semua...
Posted by RusukKiri Tok Canang at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Motivasi
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Masalah Adalah Satu Peluang!
Dalam kehidupan, kadangkala kita tidak dapat lari daripada situasi yang termaktub dalam kata - kata hikmah di atas. Sifat 'ingin cepat' mendapatkan sesuatu dalam diri terkadang mendorong kita melakukan sesuatu dalam keadaan tidak penuh persediaan dan matlamat yang jelas. Sesuatu perkara yang dilakukan tanpa jelasnya matlamat, akan menimbulkan kekalutan di kemudian hari. Bak kata; "Orang lain menuai padi, kita menuai hampa"! Habis begitu sahaja penat jerih dan susah payah! Kalau diikutkan pakar - pakar motivasi, mereka mengesyorkan agar kita 'bekerja bersungguh - sungguh dengan penuh bijaksana'!
Justeru, berusahalah untuk berjaya, berusahalah untuk beramal, dan berusahalah untuk terus mendekatkan diri kepada Allah S.W.T agar kehidupan kita yang bergalaskan 'amanah kekhalifahan-Nya' akan terlaksana sebaik mungkin berbekalkan kekuatan diri yang ada! Wassalam...
Posted by AbdHadi at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Motivasi
Kenapa Yahudi Mahukan Palestin?
Apa yang terjadi di Palestin sebenarnya sudah terlakar dan termaktub... Hayatilah paparan nasyid hadeeth di bawah ini... Semoga ketundukan kita, ketakwaan kita, dan keinsafan kita terhadap Allah S.W.T akan makin utuh tanpa wujud sedikitpun rasa syak dan wasangka terhadap-Nya lagi. Dialah yang mempunyai dan berhak ke atas segala - galanya... Kita hanya mampu merancang, tetapi kesudahannya, bukan di tangan kita. Kuasa 'kun fayakun' adalah hak mutlak Allah S.W.T! Moga - moga, kita sentiasa mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripada apa yang telah berlaku... Wassalam
Posted by AbdHadi at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Global
OIC New Partnership Invitation to OBAMA
Posted by AbdHadi at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Global
Dagangan Dalam Pelbagai Matawang
Posted by AbdHadi at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ekonomi
Sunday, January 18, 2009
US unemployment hits 16-year high - AlJazeera Net
The US unemployment rate has surged to its highest level in almost 16 years, according to a US government report.
A total of 2.6 million jobs were lost from the economy in 2008, the largest decline since 1945, the US Labour Department said on Friday.
The unemployment rate climbed to 7.2 per cent from 6.8 per cent in November, with 1.9 million jobs being lost in the last four months of last year.
The collapse of the US housing market and the resulting financial crisis have triggered what some say is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
"This is a very dismal report. This paints a much worse picture in 2008 than we had thought," said Lindsey Piegza, a market analyst at FTN Financial in New York.
"This is one of most significant downward quarters for jobs in post World War history."
The number of unemployed rose to 11.1 million in December, the data showed.
The Labour Department also revised the number of job losses for the prior two months, with the October figure being changed to show a loss of 423,000 jobs from 320,000 and November a loss of 584,000 from 533,000.
The report, seen as perhaps the best indicator of economic momentum, "suggests that both the US economy and job market fell off a cliff" at the end of 2008, said Nariman Behravesh, the chief economist at IHS Global Insight, a financial research firm.
Behravesh said he expected "the jobs hemorrhage to continue through much of 2009" at a heavy pace and to ease if a large economic stimulus package can be enacted quickly.
Barack Obama, the US president-elect, warned on Thursday that the struggling US economy could be in recession for years unless politicians agree a massive economic stimulus plan.
Obama, who takes office on January 20, has pledged to change US economic policy, and is set to introduce a new stimulus plan containing tax cuts and public spending that could total almost $800bn.
Posted by AbdHadi at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ekonomi
OPEC's Profile - BBC News
The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) is an association of oil-producing nations set up in 1960 with the express purpose of influencing oil prices by controlling supply.
Things have changed a great deal for the cartel in recent years. In 2000, it adopted a price band of between $22 and $28 a barrel, levels a world away from current prices.
If the price went below $22 a barrel, production quotas would be cut. If it went above $28 a barrel, production would be raised.
Opec abandoned the price band in 2005 and now has no official price target.
When its members meet, they try to co-ordinate future production with their predictions for demand.
While there have been increases in production recently, the price of oil has continued to soar.
Opec's official position is that there is plenty of supply in the market. It says rising prices are the fault of investors in the financial sector, who are buying oil contracts in order to sell them on without ever planning to take delivery.
Clearly there are limits to the amount production can be raised, and Opec also sees dangers in increasing supply further.
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
"Producers fear that the financial sector will decide that there is over-supply in the market and move into other investments," says Manouchehr Takin from the Centre for Global Energy Studies.
"If there is a sudden change in sentiment like that, then the price could collapse."
That problem is exacerbated by the time delays in the system.
If producers in the Gulf, for example, decide to increase production, it will be about three months before any extra oil reaches the market.
If the announcement of extra production caused a big fall in prices, then the extra oil actually hitting the market three months later would exacerbate the problem.
And the members of Opec have a great deal at stake.
Uniquely vulnerable
Many of the oil-rich states are rich in very little else.
Crude oil is their only export, making them uniquely vulnerable to world oil prices.
When prices fell to $10 a barrel in 1998, their economies were hit hard.
"In the US, Opec is viewed as a cartel and therefore something to be smashed, which is not a helpful way of thinking about it," says Tony Scanlan of the British Institute of Energy Economics. "The one thing the Opec countries all have in common is their absolute reliance on one product - oil."
1960 - founded by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela
1965 - Moves from Switzerland to new headquarters in Vienna, Austria
1973 - Opec embargo causes oil price shock
1990 - Iraq's anger at Kuwaiti over-production sparks Gulf War
1998 - World oil price drops to $10 a barrel
2000 -Opec introduces $22-$28 a barrel price band
2005- Price band abandoned
2008- Indonesia decides to leave Opec
According to Mr Scanlan, the Opec countries cannot afford to treat oil "as just another commodity".
"When the price falls, it creates real pain. They have to feed and give welfare to their people, the same as Western countries," he says.
On the other hand, of course, when Opec members decided to stop supplying oil to countries they said were supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, a great deal of damage was done to the economies of the targeted countries.
More recently, Opec has improved its reputation, with attempts made to provide some stability to the oil market.
But since the 1970s, Opec's power has waned, with its control over oil prices being questioned.
There have been continuing disputes about whether member countries are actually sticking to their agreed quotas.
Also, strategies favoured by countries such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, which have enormous oil reserves and relatively small populations, are often at odds with those of countries such as Iran and Nigeria, that have bigger populations and few other exports.
Indonesia has announced that it will leave Opec when its membership expires later this year.
The official reason is that it is no longer a net exporter of oil. But the cartel's only South East Asian member is also understood to have been upset that there have not been greater increases of production to try to bring prices down from their record levels.
Another factor weakening the cartel is that as oil prices have risen, reserves that were not previously worth tapping in non-Opec countries have now become viable and Russia has become a particularly significant supplier.
Posted by AbdHadi at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ekonomi
Oil demand to fall again in 2009 - BBC News
Global oil demand is due to fall for the second year in succession in 2009, the first consecutive annual declines in 26 years, a report has predicted.
Demand will decline this year by an average 940,000 barrels per day to 85.3 million, a 0.6% fall from 2008, said the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The IEA, which represents the main oil consuming nations, said the expected fall was due to the global slowdown.
It said the world economy will now grow 1.2% in 2009, half its past estimate.
The IEA had previously predicted that global oil consumption would recover slightly this year, after 2008's 0.3% fall, led by demand in the developing world.
It now warns that demand will also cool, particularly in China, where the rate of Chinese economic growth will slow to 6.5%, its weakest level in eight years.
The IEA report comes a month after oil producers' cartel Opec announced a record cut in output, as it aimed to shore up prices that have fallen sharply since record highs last summer.
"Global oil demand is reducing at an alarming rate," said Rob Laughlin, senior oil analyst at MF Global in London.
"This latest report from the IEA is another warning shot across the bows to OPEC that supply is still outpacing demand and the situation is getting worse seemingly day by day."
US light crude was trading down 30 cents to $35.10 a barrel on Friday morning. Last July it hit a record $147.
Brent crude was up seven cents to $47.75.
Posted by AbdHadi at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ekonomi
Citigroup to split as losses grow - BBC News
Struggling US banking giant Citigroup has announced plans to split the firm in two, as it reported a quarterly loss of $8.29bn (£5.6bn).
It said it would realign into two new firms, Citicorp and Citi Holdings.
Citicorp will handle the company's traditional banking work, while Citi Holdings will take on the firm's riskiest investment assets.
Last autumn, Citigroup had to be rescued by the US government in a bail-out deal totalling $45bn.
The government also agreed to guarantee up to $306bn (£205bn) of risky loans and securities on Citigroup's books.
'Ongoing efforts'
"Given the economic and market environment, we have decided to accelerate the implementation of our strategy to focus on our core businesses," said Citigroup chief executive Vikram Pandit. "This will help in our ongoing efforts to reduce our balance sheet and simplify our organisation. "We are setting out a clear roadmap to restore profitability." Citigroup's net loss for the last three months of 2008 works out at $1.72 per share, worse than analyst expectations of $1.31.
Its quarterly revenues were down 13% to $5.6bn, which Citigroup said reflected "the impact of a difficult economic environment and weak capital markets".
"I think people knew it was going to be bad, but I'm surprised it's this bad," said Matt McCormick, portfolio manager at Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel in Cincinnati.
Analysts say the split essentially puts Citigroup's solid and profitable consumer banking interests in the hands of the new Citicorp, while the bad investment debts that forced it to seek government help go into Citi Holdings.
This will enable Citicorp to return to profitability much quicker than would have been possible for Citigroup as a single firm.
Citicorp - to have responsibility for universal banking operations
Citi Holdings - to take on the firm's brokerage and investment interests, and a special pool of loss-making assets
Meanwhile, the bosses at Citi Holdings will have the arduous task of sorting through the mass of bad debt, picking out what can be salvaged.
Citigroup said it was now looking for a "strong manager" to head Citi Holdings.
For 2008 as a whole, the bank made a net loss of $18.72bn.
It blamed the losses on having to write-off bad debt and the cost of making redundancies.
Posted by AbdHadi at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ekonomi
Siapa Yahudi?
Dalam kamus Inggeris orang Yahudi atau Israel dikenali sebagai Jew, dari istilah Perancis giu. Jew asalnya istilah Hebrew, merujuk kepada orang Yahudi, etnik dari Israel atau Hebrew (ahli kaum Semit Arab dan Yahudi). Bahasa Latin ringkasya bermaksud Judaean, dari perkataan Judah, iaitu nama kerajaan Judah dan satu suku kaum Israel.Jerman memanggilnya Jude, Juif (Perancis), Jode (Denmark) dan Judio (Sepanyol). Mengikut sejarah, Yahudi yang difahami merujuk dari zaman dahulu kala, malah mengikut adat mengembalikan kepada zaman millennium kedua Sebelum Masihi, dari Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Ishak dan Yaakub a.s. Nabi Yaakub, putera kepada Nabi Ishak, yang dilahirkan di Kan'an (bahasa Hebrew, nama lama bagi Palestin), dinasabkan dengan keturunan Bani Israel dan baginda dinamakan juga Israel.Isra' membawa erti hamba, kesucian, manusia, manakala 'el' bererti Allah. Perkataan Israel merujuk kepada hamba kesucian Allah.
Posted by AbdHadi at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sejarah
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Yahudi Mengungguli Dunia
Sudah tercanang sejak berdekad lalu orang Yahudi mengungguli dunia dalam pelbagai bidang berbanding umat Islam. Sedangkan Allah S.W.T mengiktiraf umat Islam sebagai umat terbaik sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam Al-Qur'an. Justeru, saya mengalu-alu sebarang komen dan maklum balas daripada anda semua bagi menyuburkan lagi diskusi ilmu sesama kita. (Sila klik pada post a comment). Wassalam
Posted by AbdHadi at 12:09 AM 6 comments
Labels: Diskusi
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin, Bikin Tapi Tak Cakap
Apa yang jelas, kedua - duanya akan menimbulkan kesan yang tidak baik kepada gerak laku hubungan sesama kita, sungguhpun kita sedaya mungkin cuba untuk melindungi apa yang kita cakap tapi tak serupa bikin ataupun tak cakap apa yang kita bikin. Namun begitu, ada juga keadaan di mana kita tak perlu cakap apa yang kita bikin, seperti dalam hal sedekah dan amal jariah, termasuklah juga amalan - amalan kebaikan lain. Semolek - moleknya, hanya kita dengan Allah S.W.T saja yang tahu akan gerak laku tersebut. Tak perlulah promosi, replika yang besar - besar dan hebahan yang meluas apabila kita nak bersedekah, nak beramal jariah dan sebagainya. Tak ke mana sedekah dan amal jariah kita nanti. Sekadar dapat nama dan pujian jelah. Paling kencangpun dapatlah 'title' tertentu... namun 'title' Akhirat belum tentu lagi! Wassalam...
Posted by AbdHadi at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Motivasi
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Bukti Kezaliman Israel

Posted by AbdHadi at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Global
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Kos Mega Projek Di Malaysia
Posted by AbdHadi at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ekonomi
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Pakat - Pakat Boikot Produk US & Israel
Posted by AbdHadi at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Global
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Seminar Baldatun Toyyibah : Model Andalusia
TARIKH : 24/1/2009 (Sabtu)
Tempat adalah terhad. Untuk tempahan sila hubungi sekretariat: -
Pejabat PUM: 03-79554300
Ust Firdaus Subhi: 0126137541
En Khairunnizam: 012-2911335
En Azmi: 01903842920
1) Kertas kerja 1: Selangor Maju : Kenapa Andalusia ?
Ust Zamri bin Shapik Pengerusi Persatuan Ulama' Malaysia Cawangan Selangor
2) Kertas Kerja 2 : Sejarah Perkembangan dan Kejatuhan Kerajaan Islam di Andalusia :
Teladan dan Sempadan untuk Selangor Maju menurut Perspektif Islam.
Dr Mohd Roslan bin Mohd Nor Pensyarah APIUM
3) Kertas Kerja 3: Perkembangan Fiqh dan Usul di Andalusia dalam Kerangka Pembinaan Negara Maju
Dr Hasnan bin KasanPensyarah UKM
4) Kertas Kerja 4: Elemen Ketamadunan Andalusia : Faktor Kejayaan Dalam Pembinaan Negara Maju
Dr.Khalif Muammar bin Abd.Haris Akademi Kajian Ketamadunan
5) Kertas Kerja 5: Hak, Peranan dan Kewarganegaraan Bukan Islam di Bawah Kerajaan Islam Andalus ;
Satu Sorotan Persamaan dan Perbezaan Dengan Selangor Maju
Dr.Ahmad Zaki bin IbrahimPensyarah tamadun Islam, UM
Bersama - sama kita mengidupkan budaya ilmu - Tok Canang
Posted by AbdHadi at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Agama
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sime Darby Batal Ambil Alih IJN
Posted by AbdHadi at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Umum
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Concept of Marginal Thinking
Posted by AbdHadi at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Labels: Motivasi
On Doing Things Almost Well
Posted by AbdHadi at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Motivasi
Friday, January 2, 2009
Buku 1430H & 2009
Posted by AbdHadi at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Umum