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Monday, March 16, 2009

Budaya Kafirun

Rata-rata kita seringkali alpa dengan kesilapan dan pengalaman lepas. Bahkan ia dilihat, tidak banyak memberikan pemulihan dan hadaf baru kepada umat. Tampak jelasnya, hanya sedaya mungkin mencari kelemahan orang lain sbg pencetus kesalahan diri. Keegoaan diri dalam mencari kesilapan diri sendiri masih amat sukar untuk dirungkai, apatah lagi untuk dicari titik penyudahnya.
Kita sudah begitu terbudaya sejak sekian lama untuk mengikut jejak langkah golongan kafirun dalam menggerakkan agenda kehidupan dgn meletakkan hasil penyudah sebagai matlamat dan dasar utama tanpa kepedulian terhadap orientasi proses yang yang terlibat. Bagi mereka, tiada ertinya sesuatu proses yang mengambil kira nilai-nilai kebenaran dan keadilan manusiawi & ukhurawi tanpa hasil penyudah yang terbaik! Percanggahan tanggapan sebegini ternyata ada kesannya kepada gerak laku kehidupan umat kita pada hari ini dengan terbentuknya sifat 'keakuan' yang makin lama makin menebal, yang seterusnya menjarakkan semangat kerjasama dan toleransi sesama umat itu sendiri. Hilangnya semangat seperti ini dikalangan umat akan hanya meruntuhkan benteng kekuatan dan amat mudah untuk dibolosi oleh golongan kafirun dengan pelbagai muslihat. Wassalam

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Antara Strategi Jewish National Fund

Bertemu lagi pada kedinginan pagi hujung minggu kali ini.
Apabila disebut "JEWISH NATIONAL FUND", barangkali ada yang mengatakan, "I have no idea! Mana tidaknya, boleh dikatakan tidak ada langsung 'coverage' media cetak dan massa yg memperihalkan kewujudan 'fund' ini kepada masyarakat dunia. Namun, tidak bermakna mereka tidak berperanan. Bahkan pergerakan mereka cukup licik dan berkesan bak kata pepatah Melayu ibarat 'api dalam sekam'. Sehingga ada yang mempersoalkan benarkah ia wujud? Atau hanya sekadar 'omongan sampah' yg berupakan propaganda Yahudi laknatullah untuk 'up'kan kredibiliti mereka di mata dunia, khususnya umat Islam!
Ketahuilah, agenda utama penubuhan JEWISH NATIONAL FUND (JNF) pada tahun 1901 ketika kongres ke-5 Zionist di Bassel, Swithzerland adalah penubuhan sebuah negara Yahudi, iaitu Israel. Ia dianggap sebagai 'caretaker of Jewish land' dan aset bernilai bagi orang Yahudi seluruh dunia. Kewujudan sebuah negara Yahudi yang bebas adalah dambaan sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu.
Untuk menjayakan agenda pembentukan negara Israel, JNF memerlukan dana kewangan cukup besar. Justeru, pelbagai usaha dilakukan dengan sokongan beberapa badan korporat dunia yang berpengaruh yang sanggup mendermakan peratusan tertentu daripada hasil jualan mereka kepada JNF.
Berikut adalah petikan satu daripada strategi pengutipan dana yang dipraktikkan oleh JNF berdasarkan 'official websitenya'(http://www.jnf.org) Apa yang dapat saya rumuskan, gerak kerja yang bersungguh - sungguh dan strategik sifatnya akan membuahkan hasil yang terbaik. Kalau orang Yahudi mampu berbuat demikian, kenapa tidak kita umat Islam yang sudah diiktiraf umat terbaik oleh Allah S.W.T? Sudah tentu akan berupaya membuahkan hasil yg berkali - kali terbaik!
Semoga kita semua terjaga dari lena yang panjang dan kecenderungan untuk bertelagah sesama sendiri!
"Donate to JNF, simply by using your credit card for every day purchases!
Introducing the HAS Advantage Visa Platinum card. Heritage Affinity Services, in conjunction with U.S. Bank, introduces HAS Advantage, the first-ever Visa® Platinum card that offers great rewards and lets you support Israel-related charities with every purchase.
As a JNF HAS Advantage cardmember, you earn 1 point for every dollar you spend. At the same time, a portion of every purchase you make goes to JNF. You can redeem your HAS Advantage points for miles on EL AL Airlines, domestic and international travel rewards, brand-name merchandise, gift certificates and Judaica."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Global Economic Collapse - What Happens Next?

Berikut merupakan petikan artikel yg saya terima melalui email.
"Will the world’s governments be able to save the global economy? Will the printing of so-called “money” enable them to stimulate a sustained economic recovery?
What is the cause of the threatened collapse of the global economic system? Why has the current system failed? Will a new and successful economic model emerge from the current economic crisis?
The global economy is going through a period of change and readjustment that has never been experienced before in history. This article will outline the emergence of a new economic order, and the implications of what this will mean to the world.
The chief cause of the economic crisis is that the Anglo-Saxon peoples, who up to now have dominated the world economy, have been living for decades on borrowed money to finance their domestic consumption and military adventures. They now have to repay the money borrowed from their international creditors, but do not have the income to repay them. Even worse, if the Anglo-Saxon world cannot continue borrowing from foreign creditors their economies will not have sufficient liquidity to maintain economic the activity necessary to provide employment to their citizens. Their creditors are now becoming wary of continuing to lend money after already suffering considerable losses from the collapse of American financial institutions.
Without the flow of credit to finance consumption in the Anglo-Saxon world the global economy is being forced to go through a period of very painful readjustment? The UK and US banks are now largely insolvent and unable to recover many of their loans from their indebted customers, and have had to seek government help to bail them out to repay their lenders. Additionally, asset values are continuing to decline, wiping out the asset values of bank securities. As governments pump more public money (which they have not yet collected in the form of taxes) into the banking system, or offer government guarantees to financial institutions, there is now the real possibility of governments themselves going bankrupt, unless they are bailed out such as happened to Iceland recently. The expansion of the money supply, it is hoped, will inflate asset values to help support the banking system by reducing the current disparity between assets and liabilities. This is thought possible because liabilities are generally fixed, while assets are subject to inflation. The problem is that, but in the process they erode the values of currencies – good for sellers but bad for investors and savers.
It has become popular to blame the banks for financial difficulties they face, but governments need to accept they are the prime cause of the current banking crisis. Governments inflated their money supply far faster than the economy could increase real productivity. The banks are in the business of lending money, and to earn return for their depositors they took increasing risks in lending as the supply of money increased, engaging in speculative activities. The current crisis would never have occurred if the money supply had not been increased faster than the productivity of the economy. Creating an over-supply of liquidity that resulted in inflating asset values. Amazingly today, governments are becoming even more reckless in increasing their money supply in the mistaken belief that this will generate jobs.
If the Anglo-Saxon economies can be saved from economic collapse at this time, it will only be a temporary respite until uncontrollable inflation takes hold, and the value of their currencies approach zero as has recently happened in Zimbabwe. During the time before stag inflation takes over there may be a short period of economic recovery as the benefits of government stimulus kicks in. This will be followed by total economic and social collapse, massive unemployment, starvation and widespread poverty. We only need to look at the example of Zimbabwe today to see what the consequences will be and how fast it can happen.
The current crisis has shown how completely much the world has become a single global economy. The reduced flow of money from the creditor nations to the debtor nations has had a dramatic effect on world trade. There is general consensus that there needs to be a global solution if the global economy will survive the current crisis. The current crisis is propelling the world into the necessity of having a single regulated global economy supervised by one regulatory body for the entire planet. This all-powerful agency will control the movement of goods and services as international commerce evolves into a single global economy.
Firstly the world needs to accept the reality that the Anglo Saxon nation’s (USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand) economies cannot be saved. With the down-turn in the global economy they will be unable to earn sufficient export income from the rest of the world to service their enormous external debts. Their governments are now urgently printing and borrowing money to save their banking systems from collapse; and to stimulate domestic spending to in an effort to create employment by spending on infrastructure and other projects. This is a desperate attempt to save their socio-economic institutions from unravelling which would destroy government’s tax base, resulting in massive national bankruptcies. Sadly these efforts will only debase their currencies, cause uncontrollable inflation, and result in defaulting on their international debt obligations. The Anglo-Saxon economies cannot be saved – they will shortly collapse into a state of anarchy.
The current crisis is having a major impact on the Asian economies, which had become dependent on exports to North America to finance their domestic growth. Without these markets, Asia must stimulate domestic demand to sustain local industrial output. China is taking the lead here by massive spending on developing their internal infrastructure and improving social services. However it will take a few months before economic demand will pick again within the Asian region from the Chinese stimulus. During this time some Asian countries will run the risk of political upheaval as unemployment grows.
No country in Asia is being impacted more than Japan, the world’s second largest economy. Japan has numerous fiscal problems, including caring for an aging population, enormous government debt, declining export markets and huge industrial capacity surpluses to existing markets. Japan is looking at creating once again a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as it did in the thirties and forties for much the same reasons – to secure a reliable supply of natural resources and markets for its excess industrial capacity. Its previous efforts to stimulate domestic demand had limited success, and will be difficult to duplicate a second time. We can expect Japan to go through a period of political upheaval following the collapse of America, with the right-wing nationalists gaining control of the government.
We can now expect to see use some of Japan’s surplus industrial capacity used to rebuild its military capacity (partly as a deterrent against China), and to fill the vacuum following the collapse of US markets. The one economic activity that will utilise surplus industrial capacity is increasing defence expenditures. Both Japan and Germany need to develop new markets for their surplus industrial capacity – increased expenditure on the military will be a simple way of resolving what to do with their idle factories.
The region in which we will see the most dramatic change is Europe. There is a growing gulf between the asset rich countries of NW Europe and the poorer south and east. Political tensions are mounting. Social unrest is spreading. Cracks are appearing in European solidarity. Unless bold, decisive leadership emerges in the EU, there is a danger that the current partnership may unravel. The collapse of the Anglo-Saxon nations will be the catalyst to force the EU to resolve their political differences, and to make the necessary reforms in response to the political and economic turmoil in Europe. The English speaking world will be blamed for the economic problems emerging in the EU. Europeans will look for a strong leadership that is able to unite them and restore confidence in their failing economies. The Catholic Church will encourage a spiritual revival to restore Christian values. There will be a shift from individual freedom to serving the needs of the state.
It is now widely accepted that the current Bretton Woods economic model needs to be replaced. What is envisaged is the new economic model where the movement of capital is much more regulated. In place of the IMF and World Bank would be a new regulatory body that would limited the movement of capital to serve the needs of the people, rather than today where capital is free to exploit the people to maximise the profits which only enrich a privileged few. This new regulatory body would require considerable power to enforce its authority than exists today. It would be a global central bank, but would have greater authority than the ECB or Federal Reserve. It will mean nations giving up a considerable degree of national sovereignty. This new entity will have the power to control how people conduct business. It will be modelled along the National Socialism policies Hitler implemented to restore prosperity to Germany in the thirties.
Who will control this new economic authority? It is the Europeans, in particular Germany that is strongly advocating a new global economic order. Germany is the one nation that has the capital to dictate the terms for creating a new global central bank. This bank will have the authority to issue currency, control the movement of capital and oversee a new global order where capital services the needs of the people. German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently set this out this vision at the Davao World Economic Forum. It will be Germany that has the financial strength to dominate the coming new economic order.
This new economic order is opposed by the USA, as it will mean giving up the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and America giving up its position as the world’s dominant economic power. For this reason the US has been unenthusiastic in supporting an international regulatory body. However the United States is now so desperate for money that they will have little choice but accept the terms of the new international regulatory body, to avoid economic collapse.
There will emerge one global Central Bank, which will restore prosperity to much of the world. This Central Bank would have regulatory power over the banks of those nations that submit to its authority, which would virtually mean nationalising the banking system. However, there will be many strings attached to how capital is used, with serve restrictions many of the economic freedoms we enjoy today. It will create a regulatory market, directing capital to serve the needs of the state rather than the individual, but will be able to protect one’s savings, create employment, and prevent the speculative risk taking that has gone on with free market capitalism as has been the case over the last few years. It will be modelled along the lines of the ECB, but with greater regulatory powers. It will restore confidence for those with savings to know their investments will be protected and not lost through speculation or invasion.
These are historic times. Events are now moving fast. For the people living in the English-speaking world, it will be a time of great suffering and sorrow. Many will starve through lack of food. Disease will be wide-spread – many will die. Law and order will break down – crime will become rampant. Eventually these countries will be taken over by their creditors, and their people put into slavery.
These events need not have happened. The most blessed people on the earth have been the Anglo-Saxon people. They have thought that their wealth and power have come from their own abilities and not as a blessing from God. It is a result of rejecting the moral and economic laws of the Bible that they now face this crisis. Now these blessing have been withdrawn, and a time of punishment is being inflicted upon them"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lirik Lagu : ALLAH Peduli - Agnes Monica

Pada anggapan anda, apa yg tak kena dengan lirik lagu Angnes Monica di bawah ini? Bait2 awalnya cukup cantik, seolah2 akur terhadap kebesaran Allah S.W.T. Namun kita jangan mudah tertipu di sebalik keasyikan dan kemerduan suara nyanyiannya terselit bait kata yg mengagungkan 'Jesus' pada penyudah lagu tersebut!
Kadang2 sukar difahami, kenapa lagu2 drpd negara seberang cukup 'digilai' oleh 'pencinta seni' tempatan sejak akhir2 ini, jika dibandingkan dgn lagu2 tempatan. Ada yg beralasan lagu & liriknya cukup unik yg tdk terdapat dlm lagu2 ciptaan tempatan. Apa yg uniknya? Hanya 'pencinta seni' saja yg mengerti.
Namun, bukanlah maksud saya utk bersifat prejudis dlm menilai lagu2 ciptaan negara seberang ini. Cuma...janganlah sampai begitu taksub sehinggakan menceduk apa saja lagu yg masuk ke halwa telinga kita, tanpa menilainya terlebih dahulu, terutamanya mesej dan lirik sesebuah lagu itu. Ceduklah apa yg baik dan elakkan apa yg tidak mendatangkan apa2 manafaat kepada diri, bangsa, agama dan negara. Hayati dan fahamilah bait2 lagu di bawah ini...
"Banyak perkara yang tak dapat ku mengerti
Mengapakah harus terjadi
Di dalam kehidupan ini
Suatu perkara yangku simpan dalam hati
Tiada satupun kan terjadi tanpa Allah perduli
Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri
Sbab Allah mengerti
Allah mengertiAllah peduli
Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri
Sbab Allah Yesus kumengerti"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lagi Gambar Banjir KL 2 ...

Beberapa keping lagi gambar tragedi banjir di KL semalam utk tatapan semua. Semua yg terjadi adalah drpd Allah S.W.T. Ceduklah sebanyak mungkin iktibar dan pengajaran di sebalik apa yg terjadi. Tentu ada sebab dan musabab yg selama ini kita terlepas pandang! Fikir2kanlah

Lagi Gambar Banjir KL !!!

Berikut sebahagian lagi gambar2 tragedi banjir KL 3 Mac 2009. So, bila 'park' kereta kt KL... be ready to take your own risk! Nampaknya, bertambah luaslah pintu rezeki company2 insurans kt negara kita. For sure, ramai yg akan beli insurans kenderaan yg cover kerugian utk flood sekali, even terpaksa bayar premium lebih!
Pemerintah punya part mcmana pula? Takkan terus menerus nk harap kt Smart Tunnel je. Perlu ada solutions lain as a back up plan.
Rakyatpun ada tanggungjawab gak, sampah2 & barang2 terbuang janganlah sewenang2nya dicampakkan ke sungai atau longkang.
Ia akan menyekat kelancaran aliran arusnya yg akhirnya menyebabkan berlakunya banjir kilat. Cuba perhatikan bila time hujan, Sg. Gombak & Sg. Klang banyak sekali menghayutkan sampah2 sarap & barang2 terbuang! Macama2pun ada...tong, kerusi, meja dan macam2 lagi! Pendek kata, semua pihak ada peranan dan tanggungjawab masing2...

KL Banjir Lagi!!!

Semalam KL banjir lagi! Boleh dikatakan hampir setiap tahun pasti warga kota terpaksa berdepan dgn situasi sukar begini. Kehadiran 'SMART Tunnel' seolah-olah tidak membawa maksud apa-apa, sungguhpun pihak pemerintah berulang-ulang kali mencanang serata pelusok tanahair ttg keberkesanannya utk menyelesaikan masalah banjir di KL. Jutaan RM telah dibelanjakan, namun harapan warga kota ternyata masih hampa!