Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Harga Barang Naik Lagi...
Bertemu sekali lagi. Terima kasih atas kesdudian mengunjungi laman blog saya. Sudah dua tiga hari saya tidak berkesempatan 'update' blog ini atas faktor kesibukan urusan rutin. Apa - apapun, ianya tak pernah melupakan saya untuk terus berkongsi dan menyampaikan sesuatu kepada semua, buat kebaikan kita bersama.
Isu kenaikan harga barang adalah satu fenomena yang samada kita suka mahupun tidak, ianya tetap akan berlaku. Cuma yang barangkali menjadi persoalan adalah kadar kenaikan harga barang berbanding dengan kenaikan pendapatan individu.
Berikut adalah pandangan salah seorang daripada rakan saya berhubung kenaikan harga bersa di pasaran semasa.
"Berikut adalah beberapa cadangan yang aku fikirkan perlu jika kita ingin menyelamatkan ekonomi negara dari terjejas teruk akibat dari ketidak seimbangan pasaran bijirin semasa.
Pertama, Bernas sebagai badan yang dipertanggungjawabkan perlu mempastikan stok pengimbal negara cukup untuk tempoh sekurang - kurangnya 6 bulan hingga setahun.
Kedua, Bernas, pengilang dan persatuan pengguna harus bersetuju harga patut yang wajar untuk publik.
Ketiga, bagi memenuhi keperluan semasa tindakan ad-hoc amat diperlukan. Kerajaan harus mengimport tambahan beras lebih 10% dari biasa supaya dengan itu ada sedikit apongan bekalan dipasaran dengan cara ini harga beras dapat dikekalkan pada harga patut.
Ke-empat, pengawalan ketat perlu dilakukan supaya peniaga - peniaga yang mengambil kesempatan dari masalah ini dengan menyimpan stok dalam quantiti yang banyak perlu dikenakan tindakan berat. Antaranya menyenarai hitam syarikatnya atau perniagaannya disamping mengenakan tindakan denda 10 x dari nilaian beras yang disimpan.
Kelima, bagi pelan tindakan jangka panjang, gunakan agensi Mardi,Felda, dan Felcra untuk membuka ladang penanaman padi secara besar - besaran dan bersistematik. Kemudian Bernas bertindak sebagai tempat mempastikan stok pengimbal mencukupi untuk keperluan negara untuk tempoh yang ditetapkan.
Ke-enam, untuk tujuan jangka panjang yang lebih strategik, kerajaan melalui syarikat - syarikat pegangannya seperti TH Plantation, Sime Darby atau Synergy Res, MMC dan banyak lagi membuka ladang - ladang komersial di negara - negara Asean yang berpotensi seperti Laos, Vietnam, Kemboja, Indonesia dan Thailand. Dengan cara ini disamping mempastikan negara mempunyai stok simpanan yang mencukupi, negara juga boleh bertindak menjadi pengimport utama untuk produk - produk pertanian. Pada peringkat ini kepentingan Negara hendaklah diutamakan berbanding kepentingan individu.
Jika negara mempunyai simpanan yang mencukupi bahkan berlebihan ini memberi kelebihan kepada negara menentukan harga tetap pada harga yang rendah. Sebarang penjualan secara pukal hendaklah berdaftar dengan kementerian tertentu dengan ini kerajaan dapat sentiasa mengawal pegerakan penjualan diluar jangkaan".
Posted by AbdHadi at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Posted by AbdHadi at 4:40 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
No short cut!
Posted by AbdHadi at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Understanding The Stock Market
The stock market offers people the ability to generate a separate income stream apart from their daily jobs, or income streams which are superior to those from traditional savings deposits. But before you even think about buying and selling shares, you must know the fundamentals of the stock market and of trading.
First time investors can become confused because of the terminology that is used to describe various market functions. These don’t take long to learn. Incidentally, one common confusion is over the terms ‘stocks’ and ‘shares’. Actually, they both mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably.
The Role of Bursa Malaysia
You can only invest in stocks through a stock exchange, an organized marketplace where stocks are bought and sold under strict rules, regulations and guidelines. The Malaysian stock exchange is called Bursa Malaysia. Bursa Malaysia has over 1,000 listed companies offering a wide range of investment choices to local and global investors. Companies are either listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Main Board for larger capitalised companies, the Second Board for medium sized companies or the MESDAQ Market for high growth and technology companies.
Raising Capital on the Stock Market
The Stock Market was created by companies wishing to raise capital for their business. When someone says they have a listed company they mean listed on Bursa Malaysia. All companies need cash to take advantage of growth opportunities. Many start-up companies however find themselves short of capital to fund expansion. One way to acquire this cash is to publicly float the company. This involves selling part of the company to private individual and institutional investors who are then able to freely exchange these stocks on an open market. Purchasing stocks in a company that is listed on the stock market is done through an Initial Public Offering or IPO.
Once an IPO has been issued, you can contact the company (phone, fax or email) for a copy of the Prospectus and complete the application to apply for an allocation of shares. Or you can wait until the company is floated and buy shares on the open market. Besides Bursa Malaysia, stock brokers will also have information regarding Initial Public Offerings.
Companies that are already listed can also raise additional money on the stock market by offering existing stockholders the opportunity to buy more stocks in the company. For example, a listed company wanting to raise additional capital might issue one new share at 5sen each for every three shares an existing investor owns.
When you buy shares, you are buying a share in that company and so you own a percentage of that company. When the company makes a profit, you share in that profit in the form of a dividend. Typically, the number of shares that have been issued multiplied by the share price gives us how much a company is worth.
Posted by AbdHadi at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Why Invest In Stocks?
The benefits include:
- Immediate Buy/Sell so you can sell part of your investment any time.
- Very low transaction cost.
- The freedom to work at your own place, at your pace in your own time.
- Easy monitoring — log in to the market from anywhere in the world.
- Being able to maximise returns whilst spreading your risk.
- A predictable form of investment if you know what you’re doing.
- Putting you in control and freeing you of fund management fees.
- Considerable tax advantages.
Things to watch out for:
- The market can be a volatile place.
- You must acquire knowledge of what you are doing.
- You must monitor your investments.
- You must learn the discipline to enter and exit the market on entry and exit signals.
Can Ordinary People Profit from the Stock Market?
Not necessarily so.
Let’s take a look at three different scenarios of ordinary people in the stock market to see how they fared. This will let us view how the process works, the different approaches, and how returns are generated.
Scenario 1: John works in a manufacturing plant earning RM33,000 a year. After rent, living and personal expenses, John has managed to save RM1,500 over the past 6 months that he wants to invest in the stock market. John buys 1,600 shares in ABC Mining at RM0.90 per share (RM1,440). He also pays RM32.95 brokerage fees for buying the shares. In total, John has invested RM1,472.95.
Six months later John decides to sell his shares. He has kept an eye on the performance of ABC Mining and they have risen to RM1.19 a share. John sells his shares for RM1,904. He also pays RM32.95 brokerage fees for selling his shares, leaving him with RM1,871.05. That is a profit of RM398.10.
RM398.10 may not sound a lot, but remember John only invested RM1,472.95 for 6 months, so he won’t make a huge return. Nevertheless, John made a 27% profit which is far better than he would have made by putting the money into his savings account.
Scenario 2: May and Chong both work full-time in professional jobs. Together, they earn RM120,000 per year. After mortgage repayments, living and personal expenses May and Chong have managed to put away RM5,000 that they want to now invest in the stock market. They buy 1,500 shares in AAA Steel at RM1.48 a share (RM2,220) and 1,500 shares in XY Manufacturing at RM1.33 a share (RM1,995). They also pay RM65.90 brokerage fees for the two transactions. Their total outlay is RM4,280.90.
Over the next 12 months AAA Steel shares have risen to RM2.60 a share and XY Manufacturing shares have moved to only RM1.38 a share. May and Chong sell their shares for a total of RM5970. They pay their broker RM65.90 and are left with RM5904.10. Their initial investment was RM4,280.90. So, they make a profit of RM1,623.20.
Scenario 3: Aminah is retired, owns her own home and earns a comfortable income from several long term investments. Aminah would like to invest RM15,000 that she has set aside for buying shares.
Aminah selects a portfolio of 5 companies and aims to invest around RM3,000 in each. Aminah buys 3,333 shares in ABC Mining at RM0.90 a share (an investment of RM2,999.70). She also buys 2,027 shares in AAA Steel at RM1.48 a share (RM2,999.96) and 2,255 shares in XY Manufacturing at RM1.33 a share (RM2,999.15). To complete her portfolio, Aminah buys a further 2,912 shares in MM Multimedia at RM1.03 a share (RM2,999.36) and 3,000 shares in BB Furniture at RM1.00 a share (RM3,000). Aminah also pays RM164.75 brokerage fees for buying the shares. In total, Aminah has invested RM1,5162.92.
12 months later Aminah sells her shares. Four of the shares have increased in value but BB Furniture has dropped to RM0.95 a share. ABC Mining rose to RM1.19 a share returning RM3,966.27. AAA Steel rose to RM2.60 a share returning RM5,270.20. XY Manufacturing rose to RM1.38 a share returning RM3,111.90. MM Multimedia rose to RM1.09 a share returning RM3,174.08. BB Furniture dropped to RM0.95 a share returning RM2,850. In total, Aminah’s shares returned RM18,372.45 less RM164.75 for brokerage. This gives a total of RM18207.70, earning a profit of RM3,044.78.
Posted by AbdHadi at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Kenapa kena masuk Islam?
Posted by AbdHadi at 10:45 AM 0 comments